...when I am not allowed to go out.
....when I have to use the commoner's litter box (the horror).
So what does a junkyard cat do on a day like today?
I try and pound on the other cats so as to convince her I would be better off outside.
No luck. I got time out instead.
During which I fell asleep.
For the rest of the day. Boring.
You didn't come here for boring did you?
Well to even the score for being on time out. I'm going to rat on her......
Guess what she does when there is no junk to be hunting?
She plays with the junk she already has.
She has no shame.
While other people are being responsible....feeding their cats, playing with their cats, serving catnip to their cats, she is playing!
Working on the cover for her art journal.
I mean it's only been sitting there unfinished for months. You would think a little responsibility on her part, on a rainy day would be good use of her time.
I think she's almost finished with it. And it's a good thing because if she chooses selfish ways again tomorrow.....
well let's just say I cannot guarantee the safety of the art journal cover or the pages within.
Anyone care to warn her????