
Knock, knock....

The weather is beautiful, want to come outside with me and take a walk? We could head out from the deck to the east....but remember, we can't go any further than the driveway.  Those are the rules "she" made for me.

What about the backyard?  We could go for an adventure in the woods.....

....but we can't go off the property.  There's d*gs in the neighbors yard.  And a turkey, a rooster with a big beak and some chickens.  Of course even if the d*gs didn't get us or the big beaks, we might still get a tick....what? You didn't put on your flea and tick treatment?  Hmmmm, maybe the backyard isn't a good idea.

I know! Let's head south by the ash tree - it's still blooming and it smells so nice!  It's nice and shady too, you'd like it I'm sure!

Oh wait, check out the pee-on-me bush! It's finally blooming!

Grammie's pee-on-me bush has a bazillion blooms!  Guess there are lots of cats peeing on her bush! No, not me...probably the neighbor cats.  You know that one that is always coming by looking in the window at night.  What do you think?  No sorry, we can't go Grammie's today.  But I promise, I'll take you there soon and you can see for yourself.

C'mon let's go to the ash tree and rest.....

Whoa - oh my whiskers!!!!!  Do you see it? It's a BABY - about the size of a tangerine...look closely....

What's that you say?  Oh yeh, "she" scares the fur off me and curls my whiskers too when "she" gets too close to me with the grass chomper.  Can I apologize for "her" - really I am sorry. I'm sure you were having a great afternoon nap in the blueberry bushes.  Well, no worries little buddy we'll leave you be.  I wanted to show my friends my pond anyway.  Have a nice afternoon!

Let's go back up towards the house so I can show you my pet piranhas! Yep, there's SIX of them in this pond....

Don't get too close, I'm not sure if "she" fed them today or not.  You wouldn't want them to attack you would you?

I didn't think so. 

They are almost as ferocious as me!


Wow! A lily! And it's intact! Maybe "she" did feed them today...

Have I worn you out? Sorry, I didn't mean too - I just wanted to show you around on one of my milder adventures. C'mon, let's go rest and plan our next adventure.....


stefanie said...

what a gorgeous adventure you had and glad your safe!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Wonderful backyard adventure....can't wait for the next one!

Anonymous said...

In enjoyed this little venture.Many many things I saw, and some lovely things like the Pee on me bush LOL.I guess you just made up that name?Anyway its very cool in there just nice enough to take a little cat nap.Happy Meow dreams.

Antiques In Old Town said...

A slice of HEAVEN... A nap sounds SOOOOO Good !

Anonymous said...

Like all good kitties you deserve a tasty treat & a cat nap after this adventure!!
I have 3 fur babies.....Bailey & Mr. Binks are Maine Coon Cats & Max is an American shorthair Tuxedo!!
Love, Love, Love Kitties!!

Burlap Luxe said...
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Burlap Luxe said...

Hello Romeo,
Thank you for stopping by for a visit.
So you loved the wreath I made from sea shell gathered from the ocean, did you enjoy the special plate of tuna from the sea I set out for you, or were to full when you got here. I see that some of the tuna was missing, it was...purrrr-fectly tasty wasn't it.


The Victorian Parlor said...

Wow, that was a great adventure! The flowers are really pretty and the fragrance was nice too:). Maybe next time we can chase some mice:)!

Purrs and Meows,


Deb said...

You surely do live the sweet life.