Meowllo! Great to see you again! I'm so glad you stopped by fur a visit! It was cold here today so my adventures outside didn't last too long. But no matter, I've got adventures to share none the less! "She's" been on a few adventures of her own recently. Just yesterday "she" took off for Atlanta and check out the junk brought back!!!
Are you checking it out?!?! "She" only put one in the picture, but how about that baluster section? I think it was from a church - there are actually two that "she" purchased! Those will go well with the little altar in the office area, don't you think?? I'll have to show it to you sometime soon - it's pretty simplistic but it has plenty of room for me to stretch out and nap! The altar, no matter how humble, is an impurrtant reminder to "her" -
Cats were once worshiped in ancient Egypt!
Oh dear.. I just realized that you probably need a better view of what "she" bought - let me share with you the pictures that I supervised (so much better in my furry opinion)....

And of course after "she" finished working on the tattered cat space, it was time to check out the store for something only "she" could hear calling her name (imagine that). And "she" found them.
Oh yes, multiple items! Rowann, owner extradornaire, at Antiques in Old Town had those wonderful metal scoops! White and slightly rusty - how purrfect!!!! And there are even little label holders!!!!! I can see it They will be the absolute best after labeled properly - "Afternoon Cat Nap" and "Evening Cat Nap"! They are just my size - what a find this was! We both LOVE rusty and white!
And Cheryl, another dealer there had some beautiful lace trim that also had to come home. Cheryl's booth is always beautiful, a cat could get lost in napland there were it not for everyone always shopping in her booth! She is really that great!!! Look at how she displayed this trim for sale:

The dyed silk and velvet ribbon was purchased at Antiques in Old Town too! And I wonder why there is never extra money brought home for my anchovy pizza habit....hmmmm. I'm beginning to see some injustice going on here...
One more about this garden sink? Dad bought that for "her" as a Valentine's day gift. Check out the textures! Looks like a urinal to me, but these french garden sinks do look like that. Don't they? Surely, I'm not expected to start using that, am I? I really prefer the nice soft dirt of the flower bed. Nothing grows there after I'm through with it anyway.....oops. You're not supposed to know that. Let's just keep that our little secret okay? "She" doesn't have a clue and it would be best if it stayed that way, you know? Please....

Although, another was also purchased for the Spring Open House, maybe I need to pay someone to sneak this one up there too. I am so NOT whizzing in that thing! mEwwwwwww!
So as you look at these pictures, you should be able to see, there is a confession "she" should be, not the flower bed confession. This:
Lace, rusty metal, white, bunnies, letters and numbers
I'm thinking we have an addiction going on here. Anyone got the phone number for Junker's Anon???
I'm going to run off now. I need to go take some pictures for her to bring to the confessional. And a little colateral on the off chance the flower bed issue becomes known. Anyway, I'll be posting them on the right side of the blog. Be sure and check back for them. And don't worry they'll be there when you come can I be so assured?
"She" doesn't have the user id and password for MY blog.
I am ferocious >^..^<
Wow, the garden sink is amazing! I've never seen one. What WILL you do with it???
Glad to see that you have everything under control, you ferocious thing. I have to admit though, "her" catnip stuff is pretty darned good.
Dear Romeo, Tell your Mommy ~~ Great haul! Love the loot!
what a super cute blog you have here Romeo...i am in love with that sink...i have never seen one before, it is gorgeous!!! nice score on the lace bits too!!!
Oh, Romeo, She made a haul, didn't she? I do think I see a definite theme here! Can't wait to see what she does with it all! Sherry
oh my goodness, romeo, you crack me up! I love your blog!! and I am dying over that french sink, I have been looking for one forever!!
so pretty, and I don't think it looks like a urinal! ;)
xoxo, Tiffany
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