
Do you purrfur pictures or fluff?

So I had written this big long story about way-back-when-times. "Hers" and not mine of course because "she" is way older than me and therefore has lots of way-back-when-times. Anyway, upon proofing it, I realized all that fluff could simply be summed up as this:

The old bullet riddled metal horse, was once part of a lightning rod which sat on top of the grandfathers barn.

But the barn being quite old, was taken down this summer. And the rusty old metal horse, complete with the milk glass globe is now a welcome part of our home.

Now a story that was 600 words plus, has been pared down to three sentences. Rather than giving you the history and the significance of the lightning rod horse, I am going to use more space on this post for pictures than words.

For "her", the horse represents memories of another time and place, and good times on a family farm with a very old barn. Call me nostalgic, but at Christmas time, it seems the purrfect time for remembering family memories, don't you think?


Blog Love!

Good thing you are sitting down - no doubt you would have fallen over otherwise upon seeing that here I am posting again in less than two weeks!

Now you may be thinking that I am super charged up with having had me a turkey leg festivity, but that's not the reason I am posting. Nope. I am posting because one of my very favorite friends gave me an award today!

You are probably wondering who might have thought enough of handsome, charming, ferocious, manly cat, handsome me, to have given me an award. And while I don't want you to blab it all over the place I can be kind hearted too. So kind hearted that I am going to tell you who gave me this award....and once you meet her, you'll want to be her friend too. But just remember, she was my friend first so don't go trying to talk her out of all the cat treats and milk, okay? If there's anything left, I'll share with you. Okay, yeah, yeah, I'll share anyway....

You want to get to know......

Cindy and Trixie of Fat Cow Studio. Yep, you really do want to make friends with these two girls! I'm telling you, Cindy is funny, talented and writes great posts! She also has an Etsy shop where she sells her beautiful necklaces - talent shining here! And her feline Trixie?!? Oh dear, my heart....this little angel is divine I tell you. But don't be making any moves on her, I saw her first.

So you may be wondering what exactly is this "Liebster Award"....Liebster’ means ‘favorite’ or ‘dearest’ in German. This award, which originated in Germany, recognizes up and coming bloggers and is meant to showcase bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers. This is all done in the spirit of pay-it-forward.

In accepting this award, I agree to:

* Thank the person that gave me the award and link back to their blog

* Copy and paste the award to my blog

* Reveal the 5 blogs you have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog

So who might I be passing the Liebster Award on to?!?? Drum roll, tail whacking and whisker twitching please......my five award winnning blogs for humor, inspiration and their view of life....

Blue Skies

Victorian Parlor

Antiques in Old Town

Ironstone and Pine

The Robin and Sparrow

If you haven't visited these blogs, you really should - each one offers something a little bit different, but all of them will warm you with their kindness!!!


October, November, and December.

That was the order of things. Until this year. Although I suspect, it may have been headed in this direction for some time now. When it started to turn amuck, I’m not sure I can put my paw on an exact time, day or even year. But I remember a whisker twitch here and there, back then. And probably not even so long ago. But I paid it no heed and went back to sunning myself, it was just a whisker twitch afterall...

October and Halloween came and went quietly. Certainly not as many decorations or fanfare as is normal around here. I had thought it was due to the activity of company and the Country Living show. But now I am not so certain. Was that really October? The leaves on the trees had not turned, well unless you consider the natural color of Fall as brown. But brown some of them were - a sign of the summer heat and lack of rain. But this time my fur started to twitch …..was that October already come and gone? Or is it yet to come? Heck, maybe it was many months ago and I missed it.

But then last week, around Monday, it looked like this….

And I thought, ah all is in order. I was simply suffering from a kink in the tail, napping too much purrhaps. This, now this was wonderful – Fall! Leaves to play in, cool breezes blowing through my fur and whiskers…..and soon Thanksgiving!!! That glorious day of giant turkey drumsticks!!! And I dozed off dreaming….as the rain began to fall. That was Thursday.

Today? I am still eurphoric over the anticipation of giant drumsticks.

Until I look outside.

The leaves are no longer on the trees and the skies are shades of grey. And it’s raining with a wintery look that says, ‘you want to stay inside and use the litterbox’. I’d take a picture to show you (because I know you like pictures) but it’s already almost dark. And what time is it? 5:30. Hmmmm….winter for sure.

Oh wait….winter.

Winter?!? Eek! What about Thanksgiving? What happened to Fall?!?

And for confirmation, I look around inside and it looks like this.

Is that Winter? Or Christmas?!? Either way, it is NOT Fall and certainly the making of a bad dream for this cat.

The horror! I flee to the porch…..where upon my whisker thermometer told me it was a wilting 65 degrees.

What did I just say?

Yes – sixty-five degrees.

I look to the newspaper for the date, because I am so confused – no leaves on the trees, sixty-five degrees, pumpkins on the porch, and winter/Christmas décor creeping into the cracks and crevices (which NEVER EVER appears before Thanksgiving). The date is November 21st. And I do not live in Florida.

And yet I am not sure. Tomorrow they are predicting 75 degrees. Really and truly, cross my whiskers. I’m very serious. This is all very serious. You realize that don’t you??!? I mean c’mon now my calendar (which may no longer be accurate) says that Thursday is Thanksgiving day -that glorious day when all my turkey leg dreams come true!

But if the weather says Spring, the trees are bare and the interior décor is a mix of white pumpkins and pointsetta…..is it October, November or December??? And if Thursday rolls through and "she" thinks that it’s April….does this mean no turkey legs for me?!?! And maybe no Christmas catnip either?!? Do you see my horror?!!? Someone, purrlease, I am begging you put the calendar and mother nature back in sync….October, November and December. In that exact order. Purrlease.


Exercising the Furniture


I know, I know – another strange post.

They all are. I pretty certain you’ve come to expect this of me…

So just curious (it’s the cat in me I can’t help it)……

Exercising the furniture.

What image comes to mind?

Tables doing leg lifts?

Chairs doing squats?


In your house.


Not here - our furniture takes laps around the room.

Usually doing a little piquet dance along the way.

Sometimes taking a detour into another room.

And then another lap.

Or two.

Maybe four or five.

And then ending up in exactly the same spot it began.

Here. In my house. The furniture takes laps around the room. Ends up exactly where it started....must be for the exercise. Why else would "she" chase it around the room. Lap after lap....

You would have thought “she” would have worked this mobile furniture thing out of her system for a while. You know after the country Living Fair and all. Setting up displays, moving furniture, moving it again, three or four times.....and then some....

A normal person may have.

Scratch that....most likely would have.

But we are not referring to the “norm” here are we (wink)?!? Which reminds me…..

A special thank you to all those who came to the show and left me notes! And even a few gifts!!! You guys are the bestest ever!!!! Thank mew VERY much!! It made my five long days inside oh so worth it! So how does this tie in with my previous sentence of “norm” and “not so norm”????


Seriously. Dogs. There were as many dogs as there were cats who left me notes and gifts. Did I mention, seriously! Kind, sympathetic notes from dogs. And if the scanner was working right now, I'd show you a picture one of them sent to me. Handsome fellow! Anyway...so purrsonally, I’m thinking being “not so norm” isn’t such a bad thing! Now if you’ll pardon me, I think I’ll go help supervise the next round of table races……it's either that or get run over......


Coming up for air....

Yikes! It's been some kind of crazy around here......and still is, so this will be probably be the shortest post I've ever done. Can I do it with just a few meows......this cat who takes two steps and a meow, another two steps and a meow....probably not but here goes anyway.....

We had "her" niece and boyfriend in for a week. There were from the Portland, Oregon area. Lots of tourist time and a few extra snacks for me. Company is so easy to purrsuade....."no I haven't eaten in three weeks, how about a snack".... hey, it worked! I even had Grammie believing it - check it out, she's making me FOUR hot dogs! (Reminder: click on the picture to see a larger image)

The time prior was nip and tuck I tell you. I wasn't sure I was going to survive the trauma of company preparation. And on top of that, as you may have suspected it included lots of show prep time. Because it was so close to the show date, everything or as much as possible had to be done BEFORE they arrived. Eek! It was a frenzy of cleaning, gathering, pricing, and making the "stuff". I napped alot during this time. "She" wore me out just watching "her".

Inside, more hardwood flooring was put down. Well naturally, after the carpet and padding was taken up. Some painting in prep for the floors to go down. Only the hallway and the master bedroom left. But that will have to wait. Maybe after the show.....

But now that all that is done, and the niece is now home....

yes, "she" kicked it into high gear.


It is almost time.

The trailer is finally loaded and parked in the driveway ready for take-off. Yes, quite literally.....checking the trailer brakes this evening.....not sure if they are working. So.....since the driveway slopes down and then up slightly, it could very well be a "take off". I'll be watching from the front window. Safe.

Originally, I had hoped to go with. But after the discovery of the questionable trailer brakes....well not so anxious any more.

And this evening after viewing the bed of the truck....I really don't want to go. Thankfully, it's dark here, so I can save my reputation and spare you the redneck truck picture. Trust me on this one - seriously, there are bales of hay sticking out, chippy old doors and even a porch column that looks like someone tried to set fire to. Should have let it burn. Just saying....


Oh the horror.

I don't understand how we could go from this (see photo below submitted for admission) to a burned up old porch column....oh, I sure hope "she" knows what "she's" doing....honestly though? I have my doubts.

If anyone questions my participation in anything other than the bedding line, I will have to deny any involvement. I can do that can't I??!

One last thing....if you are coming to the show, bring along a handwritten note to me and I'll make sure "she" gives you a small gift. It doesn't need to be anything grand, just a note letting me know that you thought of me, since I can't be there in purrson. Yes, I'll admit it, I love the attention. My name isn't Romeo for nothing ;)

I'll be sure and post pictures after "she" brings them back.

Have a purrfect week!


Odd.servations of Ordinary

Also known as odd observations of everyday ordinary.

You got that right?

Good then. I'll get started. Just wanted to be sure we started on the same page because by the time I'm done, you'll be as confused as me....

Yep. You will be.

Almost all "her" flowers have moved into the Halloween season decor - you know brown, crumbly and sometimes black and dry as a bone. "She" sighs and carries on whining about it. So it would stand to reason that "she" would NOT be interested in brown or black or any color bland and lifeless.

Observation Number One: The chairs on the screened in porch need to be recovered. Been needing it for some time now. They were white, but they are beyond salvaging now, so off to the fabric store "she" went. Dad and I voted on lime green and robin's egg blue. Nice.

This is what she brought home.

What color is this?

Yeah I know it is NOT lime green and robin's egg blue.

Observation Number Two: A few nights ago, a wild hare got loose and "she" decided to strip the finish off an old violin. So instead of nice and shiny, it is now looking a wee bit....lifeless. And colorless.

Purrhaps, more early Halloween decor? Never mind that it is TWO MONTHS away.

Observation Number Three: The following night, another wild hare on the loose. Damn things are multiplying I'm telling you. If I'm neutered, they should be too.....I'm just saying.....anyway, Blackie is taking a very nice nap in "her" lap and Bailey is sunning himself under the lamp. Yeah, I know, the cat's weird I tell you - hotter than hades and he's sunning himself. As I was saying...but at this moment, "she" unceremoniously dumps poor Blackie so that "she" can take a picture of....browns and cremes....

Hello? You wanna take a picture of something brown and creme, but whine about your BROWN colorless, dead plants. Yep, sure thing.

Purrhaps, Dad noticed, although doubtful...but he brought "her" home some beautiful sunflowers today. "She" loves sunflowers!

Observation Number Four: I would like to mention..... "she" hates yellow. Yeah, I know - this makes no sense to me either. Can't stand yellow but loves big bright YELLOW sunflowers.

Observations of odd in an ordinary day.

I think I"m going back to bed now - my brain hurts.


Collection of Fish Scales

Yep. Fish. Scales.

No. Not scales ON fish.

Fish ON scales!

I've discovered from many sources, that three of anything is a collection.

I have FOUR!

So I have a collection of fish scales.

Those of you with fur - you probably already have one of these yourself. And probably call yours a fish scale too. If you don't have one, I bet you'll probably be wanting one. Soon.

For everyone else, let me share my vast wisdom with mew...

This is a very nice fish scale.

It has a larger surface than most other fish scales.

It's a good day when you get to use this one.

Do you understand yet? No?

Okay here it is....take notes if you need to....a fish scale is what you place your fish on to tell if you are getting your fair share for dinner. Thus, a "fish scale".

Now you probably noticed however, that "she" is currently using it to decorate with. Normally, I might have to sabotage this but not right now. Because..

I got this new fish scale two weeks ago. Mom brought it home from the Hwy 127 Yard Sale. It wasn't a steal or even a deal. It was however, a fair price and "she" knew I would love this one. I think "she's" kind of partial to it too. Probably because it's white and crusty - how wonderfur is that?!?

It's out in the studio right now. I think "she" wants to decorate with it. Although so far "she" hasn't put anything on it.

Hmpfh. I say leave it be. I need to be able to put my fish on there.....

I'm linking to Debra at Common Ground: Vintage Inspirations and hoping like heck that I've done this correctly.....


BTW - if you don't already know about her giveaway, follow me on over to her blog. It's a great giveaway but don't drag your tail, it ends September 3rd.....


Affliction Number One


Not a favorite subject around here.

It has always been "her" downfall.


No problem.

Memorizing a formula, a date or even a phone number.

No problem.

Algebra and Calculus.

BIG problem.

Math = mother of all fur balls (serious stuff)

So around here, we don't speak of math.

Probably explains how "she" manages to mess up dinner quite often. "She" made calzone dough once that was so hard the steak knife wouldn't cut it. Swears "she" got the measurements right..... sure "she" did.

Math. Need I say more?

So can I ask you.....

In a house where math is a very bad word,

how come there are so many numbers around here?!?

Can you say, "a.f.f.l.i.c.t.i.o.n" ???

Good, I thought you could. This is....

Affliction Number One.

Number Lust.

And oh yeah, one more thing. I wanted to let you know, I will be telling you about more of "her" afflictions, additions, obsessions or whatever you prefer to call them.

Why? Because I CAN count and there has NOT been enough kitty treats being handed out to meet my daily quota. Just saying and this is after all MY blog ;) You are game for this aren't mew?!? If not, just let me know and I'm going to sell the information to the local newspaper.....