Welcome back! As promised, although a little later than I would have hoped for....c'mon along....I want to show you the other four wonders of my world.....
Number Four
Number Four
The more beat up and tattered, the better it is. Give “her” something that has been loved and used … no longer useful to the rest of the population and “she” is head over paws in love.
Many years ago, Dad would look at what "she" would drag in and rhetorically question, "you're not bringing that in the house are you?"
Grand-dad was more helpful.....he would ask if "she" needed help putting it out to the curb for the garbage man to pick up. Thoughtful, yes?
The greater wonder though is that “she” will pay money for this afore mentioned junk. Yep. Good cat snack money squandered away. On junk.
Certainly, you wouldn't pay for this stuff. I mean the shoes are too old to wear, buttons missing; the rabbit...well his stuffing is coming out and he doesn't even have any eyes! And the lamp shade....oh dear, it's hanging in tatters. If "she" were to put the ceiling fan on high speed I am certain there would be nothing left of the lampshade. Really!
You wouldn't buy this old junk....would you?!? Oh please say no....you wouldn't want to see me faint....oh oh....my whiskers are feeling limp.....
Number Five
Remember my trainee, little MissTessa? "She" rescued this limping damsel in distress and found soon enough that she was fine. Tessa was born with only three legs. Okay, technically, she is a special needs cat. Some might go so far as to say she has a disability.

Sure thing. Special needs. Three legs…..with extra umphf that allows her to propel that little orange fluffiness to new heights.
But does Tessa get in trouble? I mean she's up on the mantel. Or on top of a cupboard. Or scaling to the top of a large stack of vintage linens.
And yet, “she” only watches in 'awe, isn't that cute'. Or runs to get the camera to take Tessa's picture.
Up on top of where I wouldn't be allowed.
Hmphf. I wonder, why do I get in trouble if I do the same upward propelling?!?Do you think I need to work on my cuteness factor?
Or maybe I could work on a limp.....surely "she" wouldn't yell at me if I had a limp......
Up on top of where I wouldn't be allowed.
Hmphf. I wonder, why do I get in trouble if I do the same upward propelling?!?Do you think I need to work on my cuteness factor?
Or maybe I could work on a limp.....surely "she" wouldn't yell at me if I had a limp......
I think I'll try this. I'll let you know how it goes.
This is “her” trailer. Seventeen foot, double axle, v-nose trailer. Lots of room.
Of junk.
To sell.
Some to keep. But there is no more room in the house. Unless Dad’s stuff is moved out into the yard. Or the barn.
See? The trailer looks full. Yes?
No, apparently not. “She” went to an auction last week. Again. And brought home more junk.
It’s a wonder. The tires on the trailer aren’t flat and the bottom hasn’t fallen out.
It’s a wonder. The tires on the trailer aren’t flat and the bottom hasn’t fallen out.
Check back next week, there's another auction.
I'm pretty confident there will be more junk brought home by bidder 705.
I think I'd better get "her" motivated into listing some more junk inventory on Etsy. I wonder if they have bargain rates for someone like "her".....
Number Seven
Number Seven
I saved the most astounding for last. But you knew I'd do that didn't you? Ah, no fooling you. Good thing you're not a mouse.
Anyway, number seven is that one thing that continues to astound both "her" and I on a daily basis.
Can you guess?
It's my love for "her". I mean I am a ferocious feline of a cat! I climb trees and chaseshadows monsters. Yeah, yeah I know my name is Romeo. Smoochy boy and all that junk. But really I am a cat. And ferocious. (Did I mention that?)
And if you were not aware, ferocious cat beasties, such as myself, are not known for liking humans, must less love. But there it is - the truth. And now that I've confessed this wonder that truly leaves me feeling whoozy, let's try and forget it.
I have a reputation to maintain. Ferociousloving smoochy adoring of "her". So um, let's see.....
Revision: Wonder number seven is how I can be so much more ferocious than any other cat ever known. Oh yes, and handsome. Don't forget handsome. And ferocious.
I bet you have wonder all around you too......take a close look, it's right....there.....
Anyway, number seven is that one thing that continues to astound both "her" and I on a daily basis.
Can you guess?
It's my love for "her". I mean I am a ferocious feline of a cat! I climb trees and chase
And if you were not aware, ferocious cat beasties, such as myself, are not known for liking humans, must less love. But there it is - the truth. And now that I've confessed this wonder that truly leaves me feeling whoozy, let's try and forget it.
I have a reputation to maintain. Ferocious
Revision: Wonder number seven is how I can be so much more ferocious than any other cat ever known. Oh yes, and handsome. Don't forget handsome. And ferocious.
I bet you have wonder all around you too......take a close look, it's right....there.....