
Christmas. Really?

I have to say it....she's not much into Christmas.  Nothing really new.  But purrhaps a bit less this year.  Seems every year the stores bring out the Christmas decor earlier and earlier.  This year they bumped up the Black Friday events even sooner. While it's been commercialized for some time, we both feel it's getting much worse.  This year store employees are told to come in and work before their turkey has had a chance to digest.  Add to that the ugly reality of how they whip up the shopping frenzy so much that people trample, injure and plain old put on their meanie-butt faces for the event.  Really?

Me thinks this is not promoting a proper Christmas spirit.  Further I think it seems for too many the spirit of giving is taken too far when the peeps think that in order to have a worthy Christmas, one must have the best of what is available on the market for their wee little ones.  And if the quantities are limited well by gosh, let's go kick some tail.  We will get THAT gift that will outshine anything rich Grandma Myrtle could buy.  And each year has to outdo the last. Really?

So what's a cat to do when most of the Christmas decorations are up and though she worked many, many hours on pulling it together, she is still dragging her tail around the house without too much Christmas enthusiasm???  Heck the tree is up and I haven't heard the first Christmas song being sung!

I tell you what's a cat is to do???

The cat becomes purrsuasive and subliminal....

and you post the lyrics to songs on my blog so she can't miss them!  I mean she is always checking up on me here, seeing if I'm being good or up to no good.  Can you imagine?!  S'okay, I"ve invented a new use for blogging AND this will work to my advantage!   

Yep, is this a plan or what?!  I tell you sometimes I amaze myself with my intelligence and purrspective! 

So without further warning here we go......

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas; 

Soon the bells will start,

And the thing that will make them ring
 is the carol that you sing

Right within your heart.

What'd ya think?!?  Potential purrhaps?  

Now try and get that song out of your head MOL 
Well at least until  next time when we sing you a different song! 

You didn't really think we'd stop there did you?!?


Reality bites.

Have you noticed lately that there is a huge difference between what we are told and the real facts?!  No?Purrhaps you need to pay a bit more attention.  Yes, really!  You'd be surprised what you will find. I decided to pay more attention.  You know check into reality.  And you wouldn't believe what has really been going on. Take for instance the following:

She goes to Ohio in September for the Country Living Fair.  To sell.  Or so I was told.  Really?

Reality: She went to the Country Living Fair as a vendor AND visited a friend and her two cats AND a shelter with SEVENTY plus other cats.  Rumor has it that the friend brought steamed chicken to feed them. Really?!  While I was at home pining for her.

Allie of Pet Guards Shelter.  This is NOT the Romeo.

She goes to Atlanta in October for the Country Living Fair.  To sell.  Again, this is what I was told. Yep, sure was.

Reality: She went to the Country Living Fair as a vendor AND stayed at a hotel that had two feral cats.  Not her fault I know. BUT she went to McDonald's every night and bought them both a hamburger. Hold the pickles and mustard.  Seriously? While I was at home with NO hamburger despite the fact McDonald's is only a bit over two miles away.

And just last week, she went to Rowann's Christmas Open House at Antiques in Old Town.  To visit with Rowann and to be inspired.  (Her very favorite place to go).

Reality: She went to Antiques in Old Town to visit with Rowann.  And be inspired.  And to visit with Mr. Wiskers! AND to bring him a bag of kitty crack Tempatations Cat Snacks AND a catnip mouse!  While I slept alone until midnight because that's what time she finally drug herself in. WITHOUT my evening cat snacks and NO catnip mouse. Well none that I could find at least.

Mr. Wiskers at Antiques in Old Town



And now?  
She is decorating for Christmas.  Seriously?!?  
What about my Thanksgiving turkey drumstick????

I think I am checking back out of reality and going to my happy place. 
Anyone got any cat snacks? How about a drumstick?